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This function act as a filter when importing a new box in the Compositor tool. var is the command (a string) typed by the user The function returns an array with fields "var" and "box", where "var" is the actual command that will be interpreted by the Compositor, and "box" is the name to be given to the box End users should not change any code in this function: instead, they should define their own shortcuts in the User_iMacros array. For example, if User_iMacros["kboom"] is "wkboom2:KBoom 2" then importing "kboom" will actually import "wkboom2" (a KBoom2 tool) and give the name "KBoom 2" to the newly created box. User_iMacros is defined in userlib/GeoPostInit.k Related topics: custom compositor

ConcatScores(sco1, sco2 {, kflag {, kflag2}}) 
... an alias for AddScores()
See: AddScores
Related topics: csound

ControllerPeaks(ph {,dt {,dv}})
removes all controllers in ph that are not a local minimum or maximum except of there are "isolated" from the previous or next controller of the same type (number and channel) "isolation" occur when time difference is more than dt (by default dt is seconds(0.5) or 1/20 of the phrase length, whichever is the smaller) or when the absolut difference of values is more than dv (by default dv is 10) Related topics: controller

ConvPiste(pst1, pst2)
retuns a convolution of two pistes: every point of pst1 is replaced by a translation of pst2 Related topics: piste math

CopyDF(ch, ...)
Copy all distortion settings for channel ch to the channels given as next arguments Related topics: DF

CopyInArray(sarr, i0, i1 {, iq})
(intented to be used interactively) sarr is the name of an array of objects, such as returned by PointsInXY() -> copy the items whose indexes are i0 to i1 in index iq and followings if iq is not given, the copy happens at the end of the array sarr is the name of the array: it is a string ! the newly created items are selected and displayed in the GUI Related topics: GUI object

Cosi(t, a, b, m, c, d, n)  
... to be used with ParaPiste ... defines a how-do-you-call-it? curve relatively to CentrePolaire: -> r = (a+b*cos(m*t))*(c+d*sin(n*t)) -> theta = t
See: ParaPiste PolarPiste
Related topics: piste math

CoupeStr(str, arg2 {, keepf})
splits str at the character number arg2 (if an integer) or at the beginning of substring arg2 (if a string) and returns the two parts in an array ex: CoupeStr("abcdefgh",4) is [0="abc",1="defgh"] CoupeStr("abcdefgh","c") is [0="ab",1="cdefgh"] CoupeStr("abcdefgh","def") is [0="abc",1="defgh"] CoupeStr("abcdefgh","df") is [0="abcdefgh"] CoupeStr("abcdefgh","a") is [0="",1="abcdefgh"] the field 0 is always present, but can be an empty string the field 1 is only present if arg2 is in str if keepf is 0, the "edge" character is suppressed: CoupeStr("abcdefgh","def",0) is [0="abc",1="efgh"] CoupeStr("abcdefgh","h",0) is [0="abcdefg", 1=""]
See: RCoupeStr
Related topics: string

CreateNewEvent(x, y, ch, nodur, score) 
...the name says all... returns the index of the new event in Ev[ch]
See: RemoveEv
Related topics: programming event

Ctrl(name, p2 {, cn})
initialize, rename or set controller CtrlMap[name], depending of the arguments: Ctrl(name, ch, cn) defines CtrlMap[name] as ["ch"=ch,"n"=n] (here ch ranges from 1 to 16, cn from 0 to 127) ... returns a controller message with value 63 as a phrase Ctrl(name, newname) renames the controller in CtrlMap Ctrl(name, val) returns a controller message for controller name with value val, as a phrase
See: InitCtrlMaps
Related topics: controller

CtrlMapDF(ph, side, dist, geoch, tht, t, df, ...)
Generic Mer distortion fonction for controllers When an event nodur in GeoMaestro channel geoch is a single controller messages, its distortion gets controlled by df and its arguments ..., were df is any Volume, Pit, Dur, or Time distortion function (a string, then). The other distortion settings are ignored. When the event nodur is not a controller, this function has no effect and the other distortion settings are applied.
See: VolumeToCtrl
Related topics: controller DF

CtrlMsgs(ph, n)
return all controllers number n in phrase ph Related topics: controller

CtrlVal(ph, val)
ph should be a controller message (a phrase) returns this same controller message, set to value val Related topics: controller

interprets its argument as a distortion function if it is a name, like "NoChange", it returns the corresponding function NoChange(), by simply calling efunction(fstr) if it is the body of a function declaration, like "{return(0)}" it returns a function build from this body with the same arguments as a regular distortion function, plus extra slots: function ? (ph,s,d,ch,tht,t,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10) { return(0) } this syntax is allowed as a registered distortion function you can for example set: Volume[1] = "{return(-ph.vol*0.01*d)}" for CScore functions, use ScoDFunction
See: ScoDFunction
Related topics: programming DF

return decimal value (an integer) from hexadecimal (hn is either a string or an integer)
See: Hexa16 Hexa HexaL
Related topics: programming

deconstruct ligne lig and returns an array that can be used to reconstruct it.
See: ReconLigne
Related topics: ligne

DefArrayParameter(name {, group {, type}})
register the global array parameter called name (a string) in the ArrayParameters tool (see class wParam) - fields of the form "doc:afield" are not registered, instead they are read to provide a documentation for the field "afield" - the optional field "doc:MAIN" provides a documentation string for the global parameter itself group is a string describing the grouping path in the tool (example: "BlueParameters:DeepBlue") type is an entry (a string) in the ArrayParameterTypes array, which provides automatically all "doc:.." fields for different types of array
See: DefParam RemoveArrayParameter RegArraysOfType
Related topics: custom

DefCustom(name, doc, type, group)
registers a parameter in the Customization tool (class wcustom) all arguments are strings: name: name of the parameter (a global variable) doc: documentation (a few lines to be printed at the console) type: parameter type group: custom group for this parameter; subgroups can be defined using ":", like "Main Group:Part 1:Sub-Part" some types will be handled in special ways by the tool: "color" is for an integer representing a color "boolean" is for a toggle parameter (the tool use a ktoggle button) "file", "directory" for a file or dir name (the tool opens a browser) Related topics: custom

DefParam(name, doc, type, arrparam)
registers a parameter single field in the ArrayParameters tool (class wParam) all arguments are strings: name: name of the parameter field (a string) doc: documentation (a few lines to be printed at the console) type: data type arrparam: global parameter (an array) whose "name" is a field of name can include a grouping path using ":", like this: "Main Group:Part 1:Sub-Part:ArrayParameterName" (if arrparam is not already defined, it will be created with value []) some types will be handled in special ways by the tool: "color" is for an integer representing a color "boolean" is for a toggle parameter (the tool use a ktoggle button) "file", "directory" for a file or dir name (the tool opens a browser)
See: DefArrayParameter RemoveArrayParameter RegArraysOfType
Related topics: custom

sets to [0=0] the "score" field in ev Related topics: event

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