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return the parent box of box number nb in the composition graph the actual returned value is an array whose field "b" is the parent box itself, and whose field "i" is the current index for that box. if there is no parent to box nb, "b" is [] and "i" is 0 Related topics: compositor

returns an array containing all patch changes (that is, program change and bank change messages) for a given channel, along with the time attribute for the first patch change in every channel
See: GetLSB GetPrograms
Related topics: phrase controller

returns an array containing all program change messages in phrase ph for a given channel
See: GetLSB GetPatches
Related topics: phrase controller

transforms a shell-like filename pattern with wildcards into a regular expression: '.' becomes '\\.' '*' becomes '.*' a '$' is appended at the end this is a limited functionality, intended for GMbrowsefiles()
See: GMbrowsefiles GetRegexps

transform a set of shell-like filename patterns separated with ";" into an array of regular expressions
See: GMbrowsefiles GetRegexp

returns the score format: "string" (standard), "array" (numeric) or "void" only the first line in the score is read: for a full check of the format, use GetCheckedScoreFormat()
See: GetCheckedScoreFormat NumScore WasNumScore IsNumScore
Related topics: csound

GetScoreParam(score, param)
looks for a "#define param" in the score and returns the param value (a string) ex: SetScoreParam(score, "X") if "#define X #10#" appears in the score, returns "10" if the #define statement is not found, returns -1
See: SetScoreParam
Related topics: csound

GetScoreStr(fname {, numflag})
this is the low-level code used by SortScore, ReadNumScore and ReadSortedScore in order to invoke Csound so that it produces a score.srt file (care is taken that this function can safely be invoked in parallel threads, even if the system call happens to fail)
See: SortScore ReadNumScore ReadSortedScore SortToNumScore
Related topics: csound system

Calls Cmask to process file fname, then interprets the resulting score as a set of newly created events. This allows for the stochastic generation of an Ev scene. fname must be located in the DATA directory (do not give it a path) CALLCMASK must call CMask in the DATA directory ex: CALLCMASK = "C:\\Csound\\CMask\\CMASK "+DATA The generated p-fields are interpreted as follow: p1 event channel p2 (ignored) p3 duration p4 volume p5 pitch p6 x position (unless p8 is not 0) p7 y position (unless p8 is not 0) (the following are optional) p8 r (takes precedence over p6/p7 if not 0) p9 theta (takes precedence over p6/p7 if p8 is not 0) p10 x position for polar center p11 y position for polar center p12 selection flag (0 or 1)

Reads the header of the RIFF WAVE file wav and returns an array whose fields are: "b" number of bits in a sample "c" number of channels "f" sample rate "d" duration (in seconds) Related topics: audio

Getpolar(A) or Getpolar(x,y)
returns the polar coordinates of a point, as an array with fields "r" and "theta"
See: Setpolar GetpolarCP
Related topics: point vector angle

same as Getpolar, only with respect to point CentrePolaire (the origin of the polar grids)
See: Getpolar
Related topics: point angle

Starts the GeoMaestro system
See: InitStatique InitConstantes
Related topics: system

HBande(wid, y1 ,y2 {,col {,larg}})
draw an horizontal ribbon of color col between y1 and y2 (GeoMaestro units) !! --> wid must be a window inheriting wGMw methods
See: VBande
Related topics: graphics GUI

HPiste(cp, pst, f)
returns a piste pst2 such that each point M' in pst2 correspond to a point M in pst with the relationship M'-cp = f*(M-cp) where cp is a point and f a float Related topics: piste math

HardCodeVAR({fname, {path}})
hard code the GVARS content as a function called fname whose code is written in the file path+fname+".k" with no argument, the file is BASE+"InitVAR.k" and the resulting InitVAR() function will be executed when GeoMaestro starts if only fname is given, path is by default COMPOS Related topics: GVARS

returns hexadecimal (a string) for n (n from 0 to 255)
See: HexaL Hexa16 Deci
Related topics: programming

returns hexadecimal (a string) for n (n from 0 to 15)
See: Hexa HexaL Deci
Related topics: programming

returns hexadecimal (a string) for n (n from 0 to 65535)
See: Hexa Hexa16 Deci
Related topics: programming

returns its first argument Related topics: programming

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