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Compositor importation reference

Importing a box in the compositor is documented in the compositor page. This is summarized in the standard syntax section

Then alternate syntaxes are described in the hard-coded import shorcuts section, and the way to define your own shortcuts is detailed in the user shorcuts section.

Note that you can get a summary of all syntaxes and shortcuts in the KeyKit console by typing "?", "??" or "???" at the import prompt.

The following conventions are used:

standard import syntax

type:integer             (-) box of duration integer
type:ligne               (£) box
type:phrase              (ph) box
type:score               (C) box
wclass                   (T) box: tool of class wclass (if importable)
w ...                    (f) box: audio file
& n {m}                  (&) box echoing box n (and optionaly box m)
&& n {m}                 (&&) box echoing box n (and optionaly box m)
h ...                    (h) box: score stripped from everything after the first i-statement
hf ...                   (h) box: full score 
hv expr                  (h) box: score returned by evaluating expr       
orc ...                  (h) box: direct orchestra reference
s i                      (s) box: MIDI synthesizer RegSynth()[i]
0                        (0) box: black hole
x i                      (x) box: Csound effect RegGMFX()[i]
#                        (#) box: wave renderer
b ...                    .box file

hard-coded import shorcuts

The function Compositor_import_shortcuts() defines the following syntaxes:
(T) boxes:

pb                       pitchbend shaper
group                    group tool
kboom                    kboom tool
closure                  toy
toy                      toy

(ph) boxes:

snarf                    the value of Snarf, as an explicit phrase
pac ch1 {ch2 ..}         the patches in Ev["PAC"] for channels ch1, ch2, ...
pat bnk num {ch}         patch number num in bank bnk affected to channel ch
named str                first patch found whose name includes str
m filename               MIDI file filename
im filename              MIDI file filename interned (no external reference)
£integerp                RL[integer]["ph"]
phrl i {tid}             a command generating RL[i] within closure GMC(tid)

(-) boxes:

-integer                 silent box of duration seconds(integer)               

(£) boxes:

£integer                 RL[integer]
££integer                the actual command used to generate RL[integer] 

(C) boxes:

£integerc                RL[integer]["score"]
xsco filename            full Csound score filename, unchanged
ixsco filename           (..same, only interned, with no reference to filename)
sco filename             score stripped from header, comments & symbols
isco filename            (..same, only interned, with no reference to filename)

(h) boxes: 

htoy tid                 score header (if any) referenced by the toy {tid}

user shorcuts

The user may define in its GeoPostInit.k file a User_iMacros array (it can also be a User_iMacros() function returning an array)

This allows for simple shortcuts (without arguments): indexes are the keywords to be used, items are strings providing the replacements.If a ":" appear in a replacement, the actual replacement is the part before the ":", the other part being used to give the imported box its name.

Example: if
User_iMacros["piano"]="PATCH(20,0):WT grand piano"
User_iMacros()["piano"]="PATCH(20,0):WT grand piano"

.. then importing a box with the keyword "piano" will load a (ph) box phrase of value PATCH(20,0), that is a program/bank changes message, and this box will be named "WT grand piano".

The fact that User_iMacros can be a function is useful to built a large array of shortcuts, or to provide dynamic values. For example, if we want to extend the previous example so that each 16 channels are available, we can code:
function User_iMacros()
   a = []
   for (c=1; c<=16; c++)
      a["piano"+string(c)] = "PATCH(20,0,"+string(c)+"):WT grand piano ("+string(c)+")"

   a["2Snarf"] = repeat(Snarf,2)


... now importing "piano5" will give us a patch for channel 5 in a box called "WT grand piano (5)"

besides, importing "2Snarf" will give a (ph) box whose value is the current value of Snarf, repeated twice.

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